Weitz & Luxenberg has reached a settlement in a major asbestos case, achieving an extremely favorable result for a recent mesothelioma client. This result follows in the footsteps of several other mesothelioma cases in which Weitz & Luxenberg has earned its clients substantial verdicts and settlements.
Leonard Feldman spearheaded the effort, leading a team whose result has made a personal impact for our client and left another landmark on the legal landscape.
Weitz & Luxenberg’s client, a 60-year-old gentleman who was diagnosed with mesothelioma, had been exposed to asbestos as a teenager while doing work to help his family’s plumbing business. His only exposure to asbestos came in these young years of his life, and resulted in his mesothelioma diagnosis.
Unfortunately, despite the seriousness of his case, our client could not supply the names or information of anyone who might be responsible. He also had no living family members or coworkers to testify about his exposure to asbestos decades earlier.
Guided by its considerable experience and resources, the Cherry Hill office of Weitz & Luxenberg launched an investigation to unearth potential evidence. The research team found a former coworker who, as a young boy, would join his father at work for the client’s family plumbing business. This witness remembered being around asbestos-containing products while the client worked with them.
Armed with this newfound information, Weitz & Luxenberg prepared for trial. Before proceedings commenced, however, our client received the seven-figure settlement offer from the defendants.
A year after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, our client passed away at the age of 61, leaving behind his wife. To date, Weitz & Luxenberg has recovered 2 million dollars on her behalf.
An estimated 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma yearly. The companies responsible for asbestos products face legal liability in many of these instances, resulting in hundreds of cases and settlements each year. Weitz & Luxenberg remains at the forefront of mesothelioma litigation, using our expertise to guide our clients to the settlements and verdicts to which they are entitled.