The Weitz & Luxenberg family has been deeply saddened by the latest horror in the centuries-old problem of institutional racism — the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd. Similar injustices that have occurred across our country and in our local communities cannot be permitted to continue. Official misconduct should never be tolerated in a free and democratic society. We stand in solidarity with all people who are now working hard to come together to foster peaceful and constructive dialogue and to solve the root problems that have engendered these injustices. This won’t be easy. This will take hard, dedicated work and open dialogue among all of us.
History demonstrates that peaceful protest and exercise of the right of free speech and assembly fosters such dialogue, and is often a necessary prerequisite to obtaining progress toward social justice. We well understand that this past week’s peaceful protests for racial and social justice occurring in cities nationwide, and here in New York City, are borne from understandable frustration, anger, and hope for real and meaningful reforms. Officials at all levels, whether in government, police departments, or industry, should heed the call to treat people fairly, justly, and with a restraint that fully and unequivocally respects the dignity of each individual.
No individual can be prejudged based on their race, skin color, ethnicity, ancestry. We believe it to be a breach of the promise of our democracy when black Americans or any other minority groups within our communities face violence or discrimination because of official or institutional racism or ethnic prejudice. That is not fair or just, and as human beings, officers of the court, and leaders in our legal system in the fight for justice, we stand in solidarity with all who peacefully and constructively protest any such mistreatment or cruelty, and deplore all violent or destructive behavior perpetrated by a small group of misguided protesters.
As a law firm that was founded on righting wrongs, and that proudly declares on our website in bold letters that we are “Fighting for the Families of America,” we at Weitz & Luxenberg are always working, with all our might and hearts, each and every day, for families in every corner of the country, regardless of race or ethnicity. It is a testament to our tradition that we speak out today and express our views.
In our over 30 years of existence, we can proudly say that race, gender, sexual orientation, or age has never been a factor in our hiring practices or whom we agree to represent. We will continue to stand for fairness and equality for all people.
Now is the time for us to all move forward together with renewed purpose.
Perry Weitz
Arthur Luxenberg
and The Management Committee of Weitz & Luxenberg, P.C.