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UPDATE 5/5/2022: W&L attorneys provide updates on the Exactech polyethylene knees and ankle failures litigation on June 15, 2022.
Key Aspects of the Exactech Recall Litigation
Ms. Relkin is discussing the background on Exactech Products and Exactech corporate structure changes, beginning at 2:20 p.m. “Manufacturers of defective products should be held accountable for the damages their devices cause to people and their health. Our clients have been injured and deserve compensation for the harm they’ve suffered,” Ms. Relkin insists. “Exactech used to be a publicly traded company but was acquired by private equity several years ago. It is unfortunate that Wall Street as opposed to engineers and doctors are guiding a company that makes medical devices implanted in people.”
Ms. Gold is addressing past, present, and future litigation — as well as key litigation considerations, such as venue options and discovery sharing — starting at 3:10 p.m. “I’m excited to be given this opportunity to discuss the status of the litigation against Exactech and where we see the litigation heading,” Ms. Gold states. “Given the extent of the recall, we unfortunately see this impacting a significant number of patients and we look forward to helping people get the assistance they need.”
Accepting Clients Harmed by Exactech Products
Weitz & Luxenberg is currently accepting clients who have or need to undergo a revision surgery because their Exactech knee, hip, or ankle implant liners failed. These products are linked to bone loss, loosening, pain, swelling, lysis, and difficulty walking due to the wear and tear of the manufacturer’s polyethylene.
Exactech Recalls Ankle, Knee, and Hip Liner Products
Exactech has recalled its defective devices containing the manufacturer’s Knee and Ankle Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. Specific models include OPTETRAK®, OPTETRAK Logic®, and TRULIANT® tibial inserts and components. The manufacturer’s VANTAGE® ankle fixed-bearing liner components and Connexion GXL hip acetabular liners have also been recalled.
Relkin Serves in Leadership Roles
Consistently named to the Super Lawyer list, Ms. Relkin has represented thousands of plaintiffs injured by defective medical products, frequently being appointed by courts to leadership positions. She served as the co-lead counsel of the In Re: DePuy ASR Multi-District Litigation (MDL) and presently serves as co-lead counsel in In Re: Juul Labs, Inc. on behalf of plaintiffs injured by JUUL electronic cigarettes Ms. Relkin is also the lead and liaison counsel for the New Jersey In Re: Stryker Rejuvenate & ABG II Modular Hip Implant Litigation and In Re: Stryker LFit CoCr V40 Femoral Heads Litigation.
In addition, she served as a member of the Plaintiff Steering Committee in the In Re: Xarelto Product Liability Litigation and on the Executive Committee of In Re: Invokana (Canagliflozin) Products Liability Litigation.
Gold Is a Rising Star
Ms. Gold is a key member of our firm’s defective drugs and medical devices team. She has already distinguished herself by being listed as a “Rising Star” by Super Lawyers magazine. Ms. Gold is named among the New York metro area’s most talented up-and-coming attorneys for plaintiff’s litigation.
In 2021, she was appointed to the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee for the Elmiron MDL and has been appointed as Plaintiffs’ lead counsel in the Elmiron Multicounty Litigation pending in New Jersey Superior Court. Prior to joining the firm 9 years ago, she served as a law clerk to the late Hon. Carol E. Higbee of Superior Court in Atlantic City, one of New Jersey’s three mass tort judges.
Notable Medical Implant Wins
Our W&L attorneys have handled many successful litigations for clients with defective joint replacements. As compensation for their revision surgery, our clients received their shares of these successful settlement cases:
$1 Billion Plus Stryker Settlement — W&L achieved a settlement on behalf of roughly 3,000 patients injured by the company’s faulty Rejuvenate and ABGII modular hip implants. Ms. Relkin and a number of her colleagues worked intensively for four months to reach this agreement.
$2.5 Billion DePuy Settlement — W&L secured a settlement agreement with DePuy on behalf of thousands of patients whose ASR hip implants failed. Again, Ms. Relkin was part of the team working for months to achieve this result.