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W&L Pursuing Cases of Illness or Death Due to Recalled Oxbryta Sickle Cell Drug

Reviewed by: Ellen Relkin
October 2, 2024
Home Firm News W&L Pursuing Cases of Illness or Death Due to Recalled Oxbryta Sickle Cell Drug

Weitz & Luxenberg is pursuing legal cases on behalf of people taking Oxbryta (voxelotor) to treat sickle cell anemia. Potential clients may be people suffering from an increase in vaso-occlusion crisis events or the death of a loved one. These are the main Oxbryta side effects leading to its recall.

If you used Oxbryta and suffered either of these injuries, reach out to W&L today. We can get you the justice and any financial compensation you deserve, by helping you explore your legal options.

FDA Announces Oxbryta Drug Recall

On September 26, 2024, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced that manufacturer Pfizer, Inc., issued a voluntary recall of Oxbryta due to safety concerns. (1)

Oxbryta was approved by the FDA, through an expedited process, in 2019 for adults and children 12 years and up with sickle cell disease. In 2021, FDA granted accelerated approval for patients who are 4 to 11 years old. (2)

“Pfizer knows this is a defective drug. That is why they have pulled it from the market. The company rushed their drug through the FDA approval process to get it on the market without adequate study. They should be held accountable for the harm their product has inflicted on sickle cell patients. No medication — intended to help people — should cause more pain and suffering to those already suffering enough,” says Ellen Relkin, practice group chair of W&L’s Drug and Medical Device Litigation unit and a partner in our law firm.

We would feel privileged to assist you. For a free consultation and more information about your legal options, please contact us today.

(833) 977-3437

Risks of Vaso-Occlusion and Death from Oxbryta

In making the announcement, Pfizer said, “recent data indicate the benefit of Oxbryta does not outweigh the risks for the sickle cell patient population.” Findings by Pfizer showed a higher rate of vaso-occlusion crisis and more deaths among patients taking the drug than those taking a placebo. (3)

Patients taking Oxbryta should consult their doctors immediately regarding whether to stop taking their medication or not.

Symptoms of Vaso-Occlusion Crisis

The primary symptom of vaso-occlusion crisis is moderate to severe pain, with varying intensity and frequency. Young children may have swelling of hands and feet, along with pain. (4)

Pain can be in any part of your body but is often in the extremities, back, and chest. Patients may or may not have fever. (5)

Complications of Sickle Cell Disease

The terrible complications of sickle cell disease are numerous. Some can affect the entire body. Among these are: vaso-occlusion, chronic pain, vitamin deficiency, delayed growth and puberty, infections, joint problems, blood clots, and pregnancy issues. (6)

Complications affecting specific parts of your body include acute chest syndrome (when lungs are deprived of oxygen), enlarged spleen, eye problems, gallstones, heart problems, kidney problems, leg ulcers, liver problems, priapism, stroke, and silent brain injury (damage to the brain without outward signs or symptoms of stroke). (7)

Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder that distorts the shape of red blood cells, impeding the delivery of oxygen throughout the body. Vaso-occlusion is “severe pain caused by sickled red blood cells blocking blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues.” (8)

Sickle cell anemia affects the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein that allows red blood cells to carry oxygen. Normal red blood cells are disc-shaped and flexible, allowing them to move easily through blood vessels. Sickle cell anemia causes these cells to become misshaped, like crescents or sickles. Sickling causes pain and impedes oxygen delivery to the body. Oxbryta was supposed to prevent the sickling of red blood cells. (9)

W&L is investigating cases of sickle cell patients harmed by the medication Oxbryta (voxelotor). We encourage you to reach out to us if you have experienced an additional vaso-occlusion crisis after taking this medication, or if a loved one has died.

Please contact us by calling (833) 977-3437 or fill out the form on this page. We offer a free initial consultation and respond quickly to all inquiries.

W&L Fights for You

W&L’s team of defective drug attorneys are always ready to take on drug companies, anywhere in the country, whose products harm vulnerable people. We have been holding

large companies and manufacturers accountable for over four decades. We can assist you in considering all of your legal options.

Our attorneys can file a lawsuit on your behalf, so that you may obtain compensation for your injuries. We understand the suffering you have endured, and we fight to ensure that you get the optimal compensation the law allows in your case.

W&L has a solid history of winning cases for clients. We have recovered over $19 billion for clients who have suffered significant injuries due to the callousness and greed of large corporations across the country. We are ready to take on this fight for you. 

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