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Mesothelioma in the Army — What Army Vets Need to Know

W&L Team
January 27, 2025
Home Blog Mesothelioma in the Army — What Army Vets Need to Know

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer, with approximately 3,000 new cases diagnosed each year, according to the American Cancer Society. (1) “Veterans make up 30% of those diagnosed with mesothelioma in the United States,” states the Purple Heart Foundation. (2) 

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. (3) (4) For your health and safety, it is important for Army vets to know how they may be at risk of this terrible disease.


While in the Army, the type of work you did, the equipment you used, and even where you served may have resulted in asbestos exposure from talcum powder or another form. (5) For example, if your duties involved vehicle maintenance — brake pads, linings, or shoes — these products may have contained asbestos. Or, if you served in Iraq, buildings damaged in explosions released asbestos fibers into the air.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, filing a lawsuit can bring compensation. Veterans can file a lawsuit, even if they have filed claims with the Veterans Administration (VA). Here are resources and information to provide support for Army veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Understanding Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure

Mesothelioma is cancer affecting the mesothelium or pleura forming the outside lining of your lungs. Asbestos exposure is the most significant risk factor for developing mesothelioma. (6)

The risk of occupational asbestos exposure among veterans is common. Here are some of the occupations the VA says are at risk: (7)

  • Mining.
  • Milling.
  • Shipyards.
  • Construction.
  • Carpentry.
  • Demolition.

These are some of the kinds of asbestos containing products veterans may have used: (8)

  • Flooring.
  • Roofing.
  • Cement sheets.
  • Pipes.
  • Insulation.
  • Friction products (clutch facings or brake linings).

Survival Rate Statistics

How long you survive after being diagnosed with mesothelioma varies. Your survival rate is based on several factors. These include the stage of your cancer, your health, and if the cancer can be surgically removed. (9)

According to American Cancer Society data, the 5-year survival rate for mesothelioma patients shows localized cancer has the highest survival rate of 24%. Widespread cancer had the lowest survival rate of 7%. (10)

Has Anyone Survived Mesothelioma?

Survival rates for mesothelioma are 4 to 18 months after diagnosis. On average, roughly 10% of victims live 5 years. Factors affecting survival include the type and location of the disease, stage at diagnosis, and your overall health. (11)

How Was Asbestos Used in The Army?

The Army used asbestos in construction. Older buildings contained asbestos in floor tiles, insulation, roofing, and cement. Asbestos was also in Army vehicles, in parts like the brakes, clutch plates, and gaskets. (12)

Are Army Veterans Still at Risk of Developing Mesothelioma?

Yes. Mesothelioma symptoms can take 20 to 60 years to appear. (13) Asbestos was extensively used by the military until the 1980s. It may still be in some military equipment and tools. It also can be found in older buildings on bases.

How Many Army Veterans Have Mesothelioma?

Of the people diagnosed with mesothelioma in the U.S., 30% are veterans. Approximately 900 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed among veterans each year. (14)

Were you or your loved one diagnosed with mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos? We can help.

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Asbestos Exposure in the Army

For decades, asbestos was in products sold to the military. It is found in aircraft, ships, and vehicles maintained by the military. It is also in construction materials and can be released into the air when demolitions are performed by the military.

Many roles in the Army were at high risk for asbestos exposure. In one mesothelioma legal case, a veteran suffered exposure — first as an Army mechanic, then from his work as a boiler tender in a Navy shipyard.

For other roles, the risks of exposure are less obvious. This is the case of a veteran who was a storekeeper when he served. He constantly handled parts and equipment containing asbestos.

Who Is Most Likely to Get Mesothelioma?

People with long-term asbestos exposure are the most likely to be diagnosed with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma affects men more than women, at a ratio of 3:1. However, people with brief exposure themselves, or family members heavily exposed, have been diagnosed. (15) (16)

What If I Was Exposed to Asbestos in the Military?

Exposure itself is not enough to make a legal claim. After your exposure, see your doctor to discuss it as soon as possible. Not all people who are exposed to asbestos get mesothelioma. You want to be medically monitored and begin to compile service, medical, and exposure related records to support any future claims.

How Long Does It Take to Get Mesothelioma After Asbestos Exposure?

Once you inhale asbestos fibers, they can lodge in the lungs and remain there. Damage is due to irritation and scarring caused by the asbestos fibers over a long period of time. Your mesothelioma symptoms may not appear for decades after exposure. (17)

Is Asbestos Still Used in the Military?

All asbestos has been virtually banned in the U.S. (18) But for many veterans, the ban happened too late. Old buildings — barracks, sleeping quarters, mess halls — may contain asbestos. Equipment and replacement parts, especially friction parts, may also risk asbestos exposure. Construction supplies may contain asbestos — insulation, sealants, and adhesives. (19)

Recognizing Symptoms and Getting a Diagnosis

These are some of the most common mesothelioma symptoms: (20)

  • Cough.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Fatigue.
  • Fever.
  • Irregular heart rhythm or murmur.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Pain in the chest or lower back.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Trouble swallowing.
  • Weight loss without trying.

Army veterans with any of these symptoms should speak with a doctor immediately. You may also want to talk to doctors at the VA hospital, and you likely want to consult with a specialist.

Medical providers should perform a comprehensive medical exam involving diagnostic tests. Many mesothelioma symptoms could be mistaken for other illnesses. Visit the Lung Cancer Foundation of America for more information and the latest research.

The sooner you get a correct identification of your illness, the better. Early detection and diagnosis can extend your survival.

If you or a loved one have suffered from mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure, our team of experienced lawyers is here to help.

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Medical Treatment Options for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma patients have a variety of options for treatment: (21)

  • Chemotherapy — Drugs kill the cancer cells or stop them from dividing.
  • Immunotherapy — Drugs help your body’s own immune system fight cancer.
  • Radiation — This uses high energy X-rays to kill cancer cells.
  • Surgery — This involves removing the cancer and affected tissues or applying drugs to stop scarring or buildup of fluid.
  • Targeted therapy — Drugs identify and attack specific cancer cells.

It is important to remember your doctor may utilize multiple treatment options. This multidisciplinary approach can mean a reduction of tumor size or the prevention of a recurrence of tumors. The results may extend your life. (22) (23)

New and emerging treatments are constantly being researched. Some new treatments are now in clinical trials. Enrolling in clinical trials could improve your prognosis.

Army veterans with mesothelioma have a right to VA healthcare and disability compensation under the PACT Act of 2023. This extends benefits to veterans and their family members for exposure to toxic substances. (24) 

The VA maintains a list of probable conditions, and mesothelioma is one of them. For these conditions, the VA automatically assumes your service caused your condition. (25) (26)

To be eligible to make a VA claim you must have received an honorable discharge and meet the minimum duty rule. You must also fit these criteria: (27)

  • You served in Vietnam, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other combat zone after 9/11.
  • You deployed in support of the Global War on Terror.
  • You were exposed to toxins or other hazards during military service at home or abroad. 

To file your claim with the VA, you need to provide documentation. such as: (28)

  • Medical records showing your mesothelioma diagnosis.
  • Service records stating your job or specialty.
  • A doctor’s statement of a connection between your exposure during military service and your mesothelioma diagnosis.

When considering filing a VA claim online, you may still want to take legal action against those responsible for your pain and suffering. To file a lawsuit, you want to consult with an experienced attorney. Weitz & Luxenberg lawyers have spent decades going after companies for the asbestos-containing products they sold to the military.

Do I Qualify for VA Compensation for Asbestos Exposure?

You should qualify if you “meet the basic service and discharge requirements” and the eligibility criteria. The basic service requirements are 24 continuous months of active duty or your full term of duty. Exceptions to the minimum duty rule include discharge for disability and injury, or hardship. (29)

What Is the VA Rating for Mesothelioma?

The VA rates disabilities based upon their severity. This rating is expressed as a percentage. The award disability rating for mesothelioma is 100%. Disability ratings factor into how much compensation you can receive. (30) (31)

How Do I Prove That I Was Exposed to Asbestos in the Military?

A service record stating your job or specialty is the best way. You may also provide credible evidence of your exposure. This includes personnel records, service treatment records, and buddy statements. (32)

What Benefits Do Veterans with Mesothelioma Get?

Mesothelioma veterans are entitled to medical benefits, as well as tax free monthly disability compensation. (33)

What VA Benefits Are Available to the Family Members of Army Veterans Who Died of Mesothelioma?

Family members of deceased veterans may be entitled to health and disability benefits, survivor compensation, education and career benefits, home loan programs, and life insurance plans, as well as burial and memorial benefits. (34)

Yes. Army veterans can take legal action against companies who made asbestos products and equipment for the military. Those who supplied or distributed asbestos products are also accountable.

Are Mesothelioma Lawsuits Involving Army Veterans Made Against the U.S. Government or Military?

Lawsuits are filed against asbestos companies, not against the U.S. government or any branches of the military.

Are There Lawyers Who Handle Cases of Army Veterans with Mesothelioma?

Yes. Weitz & Luxenberg is a leader in veteran mesothelioma litigations. Our firm has nearly 40 years of experience. We successfully hold asbestos companies accountable for your pain and suffering.

Interested in filing a lawsuit? Contact us now for a free consultation and more information about your legal options.

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Pursuing legal actions in mesothelioma cases involves two types of claims, wrongful death and personal injury. The victim or the family of the victim can take legal action.

Filing a Lawsuit

To file a lawsuit, one of the main criteria is you must have a written diagnosis of mesothelioma. You also need to provide medical records. All supporting records, receipts, and information should be given to your attorney.

Your attorney listens to your story, investigates, and initiates a lawsuit on your behalf. Your lawyer may also file claims with appropriate asbestos trust funds and nonprofit grant programs. 

Once your lawsuit is filed, the party filing the suit (plaintiff) must show the court the responsible party (defendant) negligently, recklessly, or intentionally caused harm. (35)

In both personal injury and wrongful death cases, the definition of negligence is the key to success. Legal negligence is defined as “behavior that fails to meet the level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised under the same circumstances.” (36)

The result of a successful lawsuit is monetary compensation. This may include:

  • Medical bills.
  • Lost wages.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Emotional distress. 
  • Burial and funeral expenses.
  • Loss of future income.
  • Loss of companionship. 
  • Punitive damages.

Asbestos Trust Funds

Many asbestos companies that have gone bankrupt set up trust funds to pay claims from asbestos victims. There are many trust funds with millions of dollars to pay these claims. The first step to filing a trust fund claim is to file a lawsuit. Your attorney files your claim with the appropriate trust fund(s).

Support and Resources for Veterans

Here are some medical, financial, and legal support and resource suggestions for veterans with mesothelioma:

What Type of Support Is Offered to Army Veterans With Mesothelioma?

The VA offers medical and disability benefits to veterans. There are also numerous nonprofit grant programs offering assistance. However, holding all parties responsible typically requires further legal action.

How Weitz & Luxenberg Can Help

Weitz & Luxenberg has represented veterans over the past nearly four decades. We believe military veterans, especially, deserve top notch legal representation. If you served in the Army, and are facing mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, we want to help you. 

W&L has represented 55,000 families, hundreds including veterans, winning over $8.5 billion in verdicts and settlements against the manufacturers of asbestos containing products. 

If you are an Army veteran with mesothelioma, our team of attorneys want to take on the legal fight with you. For a free case evaluation, call (833) 977-3437, or fill out the form on this page.

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